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DIY Candle Pouring


Nectar Droplet is not just about candle making, it’s alchemy. Finest quality Soy Wax when infused with aromatic fragrance oil with a dash of rainbow pastel colour makes our candles class apart. Oh no no, that’s not it, our secret ingredient makes it a droplet of nectar - Love; ‘coz the world runs on it. 


Each of our candles is wicked, poured and labeled by hand in our Bangalore studio with love and utmost care with a touch of luxury and simplicity to bring you an experience only you have lived before.


So, go ahead, light one up, sit back, relax and indulge!


Our Story: About Us


Rohit Bhatia, our founder and chief chandler, believes in the power of imagination through visualisation. Nectar Droplet is an offspring of his imagination; imagination to touch lives through aroma and luminescence.


Rohit is a seasoned Fashion Model & Data Scientist. When not in front of camera, you will find him running Machine Learning algorithms and performing statistical data analyses (No kidding!). Rohit exhibits great interest in story telling through art and Nectar Droplet is his way of reviving nostalgic memories with a touch of luxury and simplicity.


Rohit spends his time working on creative ideas for Nectar Droplet, exploring new fragrances and design thinking to bring you an experience only you have lived before.

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